My life has become so inconsistent here lately. I blame it on the pandemic, the toilet paper shortage and all those the random remote school learning days. Just when I feel like I have the week planned out down to the very minute, everything blows up in my face! It cramps my style and makes me extremely cranky! EEEK!! I need consistency! I miss being able to adhere to my simple little daily schedule. I like to make plans and stick to them. I like to make a schedule and adhere to it. I’m probably annoying to most people for that reason but it’s just the way I’m made. Today…
Allow God to Direct Your Path
Lets Read About It : ‘A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his path.’ Proverbs 16:9 Lets Think About It: There once was a Farmer who carried a heavy load of hay across the back of his wooden wagon. As he approached the old country bridge, he took a look down the long narrow tunnel and thought to himself, ” I can get in it, but I can’t squeeze through the other side. ‘ We like to make plans. Some of us jot itineraries down in a daily planner wile others have a ‘five year plan’ when it comes to getting married, starting a family, owning a…