Weathered Sisters

  • Encouragement

    3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Feel Like You Aren’t Good Enough !

    There is no reason for you to feel like you are not good enough when things aren’t going your way. You can’t always be in control of every outcome and there is no reason for you to put yourself down. Some days we just don’t feel good enough for much of anything. It hurts when we struggle with feelings that we are not sufficient, we are incompetent or just generally worthless. This past year has certainly left me feeling a bit low on the totem pole. I know you are with me. We all have experienced a not so successful review at work or a failed personal project. Every now…

  • Encouragement

    Starving for consistency in my daily schedule !

    My life has become so inconsistent here lately. I blame it on the pandemic, the toilet paper shortage and all those the random remote school learning days. Just when I feel like I have the week planned out down to the very minute, everything blows up in my face! It cramps my style and makes me extremely cranky! EEEK!! I need consistency! I miss being able to adhere to my simple little daily schedule. I like to make plans and stick to them. I like to make a schedule and adhere to it. I’m probably annoying to most people for that reason but it’s just the way I’m made. Today…